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HLJY247II型 / JY256II/JY262II双色胶印机

PROFILE OF HLJY247II / JY256II/JY262II双色胶印机 1. 操作简单: The machine adopts pneumatic clutch supported by air pump. The touch screen let operation very easy. 2. 精确注册: 登记前挡纸器, 两侧拉纸挡纸器, 送纸水平套准, 送纸台微调, 印版滚筒上/下定位. 3. Quick plate registration: The plate can be moved axially, which make registration convenient. 4. 润版和着墨分开: 润版系统与输墨系统分离, 可灵活调节润版、着墨,满足不同印刷品对润版、着墨的要求. This is good for multicolor printing. 5. 预设计数器: 本机采用电磁预置计数器. If the quantized printing work finishes,…

  • 产品信息
  • 特征


1. 操作简单: The machine adopts pneumatic clutch supported by air pump. The touch screen let operation very easy.

2. 精确注册: 登记前挡纸器, 两侧拉纸挡纸器, 送纸水平套准, 送纸台微调, 印版滚筒上/下定位.

3. Quick plate registration: The plate can be moved axially, which make registration convenient.

4. 润版和着墨分开: 润版系统与输墨系统分离, 可灵活调节润版、着墨,满足不同印刷品对润版、着墨的要求. This is good for multicolor printing.

5. 预设计数器: 本机采用电磁预置计数器. If the quantized printing work finishes, 送纸自动停止.

6. 双张检测: 可以避免双张等问题, 纸张重叠不停机.

7. 整机采用PLC控制. 有自动压机等功能, 卡纸时自动停止, 粉末喷射, step forward and backward. Ink auto supply system let the color of printing be more uniform.

8. Ⅱ-class: There are forme 3 inking rollers and 2 forme dampening rollers. We improved the order of inking rollers. Three ink vibrators can drives fast back and forth. Thus the inking supply can be transferred fast and uniform.

double color offset printing machine


模型 247二 256二 262二
最大印刷尺寸 454*345 550*375 605*440
最大限度. 纸张尺寸 470*365 560*400 620*450
最小. 纸张尺寸 90*140 90*140 210* 297
板材尺寸 470*365*0.15 560*420*0.15 620*480*0.15
毯子尺寸 466*415*1.95 560*455*1.95 620*510*1.95
可用纸张 28-300G 28-300G 28-300G
墨辊(3 形状) 14 14 14
水滚筒(2 形状) 5 5 5
速度(张/小时) 2000-9000 2000-9000 2000-9000
电源 220v,50/60赫兹 220v,50/60赫兹 220v,50/60赫兹
方面(厘米) 280*93*135 280*98*135 320*120*140
重量 1000公斤 1200公斤 1300公斤


