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我们专注于开发, 生产及贸易各类印刷及包装机械

HL-SSK32A 自动套壳机

描述: This casing-in machine is combined book block gluing part and hard cover gluing part, apply the spine glue and side glue on book blocks automatically, feeder system feed the hard covers automatically, send the glued hard covers to the work platform, casing-in the book blocks and hard covers, and then form and press the spine of the hard cover books. It is suitable for produce hard cover albums, card book, children's books and etc. Adopt program control system, set different sizes of hard cover book by the touch color screen. Do not need to split the book blocks from the middle of the book blocks like other old casing-in machines, and avoids the scratching on the surface of the

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This casing-in machine is combined book block gluing part and hard cover gluing part, apply the spine glue and side glue on book blocks automatically, feeder system feed the hard covers automatically, send the glued hard covers to the work platform, casing-in the book blocks and hard covers, and then form and press the spine of the hard cover books.

It is suitable for produce hard cover albums, card book, children’s books and etc.

Adopt program control system, set different sizes of hard cover book by the touch color screen.

Do not need to split the book blocks from the middle of the book blocks like other old casing-in machines, and avoids the scratching on the surface of the printed covers, thin hard cover books also can be casing-in accurately.

Book blocks can use hot melt glue to apply the spine glue and side glue, finished books are sturdy and durable.

Apply white glue on the hard covers, gauging the glue amount automatically, circulatory supply the white glue by pump.

Drawing type glue storage box, photoelectric inspect the glue level.

Feed table goes up and down automatically, feed materiel automatically by feed system.

One single operator can accomplish combined operation of hard cover books binding, the efficiency will be higher if work with press and joint pressing machine.


最大限度. book block length 320毫米 最大限度. book block thickness 50毫米
纸板厚度 1.5 – 4毫米 涂胶宽度 500毫米
最大限度. paper pile height 70毫米 电源 220V
机器煤气 0.6兆帕 机器重量 570公斤
机器尺寸 2150x1230x910mm
※ 机器气源可供选择, 设备预留Φ8mm气管接口.

※ 保留更改参数的权利,恕不另行通知.


Sample for HL-SKA Automatic book casing in machine



Zhejiang Haoly Limited 结合了极具竞争力的价格, 印后机的创新技术和长期的出口经验, 印刷机,和包装机, 和快速印刷机。我们是您印刷包装行业的最佳选择.

过去十年, 兰溪金华机器公司专注线缝练习本机器, 直纹和片材, 软装、精装书。可制造全自动练习本制作机, 练习簿标尺机, 书籍缝纫机, 机壳内, 硬皮封面机, 三边修剪器, 骑马订机, 胶装机, 和其他印后机.

我们还可以提供各种印刷和包装机械, 例如

1. 印后机: 切纸机, 层压机, 压痕模切机, 烫金机, 折纸机, 纸张配页机, 纸张打孔机, 鸡眼机

2. 印刷机: 胶印机, 预压机, 柔印机, 证卡印刷机

3. 快速印刷机: 小切纸机, 数码压痕机, 小型胶装机.

4. 纸制品制造机: 涂胶机文件夹, 纸盒机, 纸袋机, 纸杯机, 信封制造机


1. 你是工厂还是贸易公司?
我们是一家实际的工厂和制造商,从事印后机和包装机系列的贸易超过 10 年.
2. 为什么选择我们?
1. 30 多年生产经验 品质优良. 我们所有的机器都有CE证书.
2. 在同级别切纸机质量中具有竞争力的价格.
3. 周到的售前售后服务. 任何问题, 请随时联系我们.
3. 你的付款期限怎么样?
对于大多数订单, 付款条件是 30% 生产前提前T/T, 余额 70% 应在交货前付款. 我们也接受其他方式,如信用证, 西联汇款等.
4. 售后服务怎么样?
1. 乌斯利 ,大多数机器稳定且易于操作, 借助视频和说明, 您可以快速学习如何操作.
2. 如果还是无法操作, 我们提供在线培训和视频指导
3. 如果您需要派遣工程师, 请联系我们进行详细咨询
5. 你们工厂在质量控制方面做得如何?
质量是我们公司的灵魂. 我们的员工从始至终始终高度重视质量控制. 我厂已通过CE认证.
6. 备件怎么样?



