Problems that should be paid attention to when using резак для бумаги
In actual use, режущему станку приходится иметь дело с различными режущими объектами, помимо бумаги и картона, есть кожа, пластик, пробковый пол и плита PS. Благодаря большому разнообразию разрезаемых материалов, different pressures should be used for different materials, and the angle of the cutting edge should also be changed to ensure high quality cutting products.
Cutting edge angle
The choice of the angle of the cutting edge is a very important part of the cutting work. In other words, a good paper cutter must be equipped with a good paper cutting blade and sharpening process. Однако, we found in the after-sales service of the paper cutter that many paper cutter users often overlook this point. As a result, the method, method and angle of the cutting blade are often wrong, resulting in increased impact force during cutting. As a result, the safety screw is loosened or even broken, eventually causing mechanical damage.
There is a growing range of materials that need to be cut with a paper cutter, such as beer foil caps, carbonless copy paper, honeycomb paperboard, magnetic cards, photographic film, и т. д.. These materials encounter different practical problems during the cutting process. For example, carbonless copy paper will have a indentation during cutting, and the magnetic card and photographic film may not be fixed in the cutting process, resulting in cutting out scraps. These problems can be solved by adjusting the pressure of the platen and improving the blade and cutting drive system.