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Somos especializados em desenvolver, produção e comercialização de vários tipos de máquinas de impressão e embalagem


Notícias da indústria gráfica

Prevê-se que o mercado europeu de embalagens de cartão cresça a uma taxa anual de 0.6% Nos próximos anos

De acordo com um relatório sobre a situação do mercado de embalagens cartonadas e de papelão na Europa, publicado pela consultoria alemã B + Consultores P, caixas dobráveis ​​​​são responsáveis 48% do mercado de embalagens cartonadas. O crescimento do mercado de embalagens cartonadas para bebidas é o mais ativo, and is expected to grow at a rate of 1.6% per year in the next few years.
In the paper packaging market, 80% of the uses are mainly for food packaging and tobacco packaging. Among them, food occupies the largest market with a 50% share, followed by tobacco packaging market which occupies 32%. In terms of annual growth rate, food grew steadily with a growth rate of 1.8%, while tobacco fell by 1.7%.
In terms of the global market, at present, the largest international market is the Asian market, which will grow at an annual rate of 1.8%. Nos últimos anos, the cardboard packaging market in the Middle East and North African countries has been the most active.
In the European market, due to the slowdown in market orders in 2022, rising energy-driven prices, and the impact of inflation, producers are facing increased costs. No entanto, as prices began to climb in September, some producers remained optimistic about the market.
B + P Consultants expects that in the next few years, the European paperboard packaging market will grow by an average of 0.6%, of which the largest growth will come from Denmark, which is growing at a rate of 2.8% per year.


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