Dans l'ensemble, l’industrie mondiale de l’imprimerie se porte bien.
L'impression globale est en bon état général. La plupart des indicateurs mondiaux ont augmenté au cours des cinq dernières années, avec environ 40% des imprimeurs pensent que leur entreprise est en « bon » état, mais 13% des personnes interrogées estiment que la situation est « mauvaise ». In addition, the results of different surveys in different regions and markets are very different. North America, Europe, and Australia are still stable growth regions. Asia, the Middle East, and Middle and South America are developing continuously, while Africa is clearly declining.
Packaging and functional printing continue to grow, commercial printing and publication printing are chilled.
Observing the market segment, it can be seen that the packaging and functional printing market continues to grow, and commercial printing and publication printing (except book printing) have been met with a cold shoulder. Suppliers participating in the survey generally showed confidence in the packaging and functional markets, and it has been seen from recent reports that this segment of the market is increasingly optimistic, and its proportion has risen significantly from 18% in 2014 à 53% in 2017.